The 7 Concepts

straightforward language
to answer some of life's biggest questions.

Humans have figured out how to explore the far reaches of space, how to split atoms, how to optimize our efforts with AI...
But we still haven't figured out what our species needs to thrive.
Everyday we hear messages that label and divide us. Polarizing messages keep us focused on differences. Confusion and conflict dominate our culture. But these messages distract from reality.
What we share is far greater than our differences.
The 7 Concepts are a practical description of human flourishing. They are the foundation of understanding ourselves and our needs.

The answers to life's biggest questions become clear when we remember what it means to be a human.
  • Do I have a purpose?
  • How do I find happiness?
  • What is well-being?
  • How is it actually achieved?
  • Is it only for the privileged?
  • Can I make a difference in the world?
  • What should my priorities be?
  • What is success?
  • Includes access to the community discussion area.
  • This course is a prerequisite for participation in weekly conversations.
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We all want the same thing.

"Well-being boils down to our needs being met. Unfortunately, most of us are confused or completely unaware of what our actual needs are. Without clarity, we end up living in chronic neglect."
"Ultimately, well-being isn't an accomplishment or an acquisition, but a rhythm of life that happens when we understand our needs and meet them consistently."
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Humans are [super]nature.

"The most basic understanding of ourselves is as a part of nature; a co-inhabitant of an interdependent ecosystem."
"In English, the prefix for above is “super.” Humans are super-nature, or supernatural, because of our consciousness."
"So we’ve forgotten we are part of nature. And we’ve also forgotten we are supernatural: possessing a consciousness capable of radical creation."
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Human purpose is universal.

“If you plan on being anything less than what you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.”

Abraham Maslow

"The story of the human race is men and women selling themselves short.”

also Abraham Maslow

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"The fourth concept is all about the storyline, or map, that humans have been teaching their children for as long as we have records of what humans have been doing."
"You are the central figure of an unwritten plot. Will it be an adventure? Will it be a tragedy?"
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There is a method to undo madness.

"There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot."


"When the world looks dark and full of conflict, it’s because we’ve internalized the messages of those who wish to control us for their benefit. We believe it’s a scary world, and we shrink away from engaging it. Fear and hesitancy become familiar. Little by little we become immune to hope and inspiration."
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The goal of the individual, is the goal of the collective.

“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.”

Dr. Paul Farmer

"There is only one way to achieve a peaceful world with equity among all, but it’s radically easier than any of us dreamed. Everyone can participate because everyone wants their own well-being. That's all it takes, for you to care enough to pursue your own flourishing."
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The way to make the world a better place, is to be a better part of it.

"We treat ourselves and others as bodies. Beautiful or ugly, tall or short, light or dark, rich or poor, male or female, heteronormative or not. These are the actual spectrums by which we access resources and power. They have nothing to do with the actual nature of humans - the immaterial being that animates each physical body."
"Raging about injustice doesn't create justice. Fire alarms don't put out fires."
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